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Still Struggling with Believing, Hoping to Become a Believer


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My name is Alyssa. I love being active, playing sports, spending time with family, singing, getting good grades, and listening to music. Ever since I was little, I was raised to believe that God was our one true savior. There was never a time in my life where God was forgotten about or put on the back-burner. But for some reason, I struggle to believe God even exists. I can go my whole day without even acknolodging His presence in the world. I sing worship songs at church, but my heart isn't in it. I have gone to multiple Christian concerts, but I still doubt that I should believe. I have written bible verses every day for a month, read the bible for even longer, but nothing seems to help me long-term. I think why I struggle so much is because I think, "if I can go this long without even thinking about Him, is He really that important?" I am a visual person, and I can't see God, do I doubt He's even real. When the weather changes, my family says that it's because of God, but I doubt that, because scientists have visual charts and graphs explaining why the weather changes/changed. I desire to have a relationship with God, and I want to know Him better. I plan to love Him, and grow my faith in Him, I just need to trust that He's there.

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Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 2

Hi Alyssa,

To be honest with, sometimes I used to struggle with the same thing. Until I found myself on the opposite direction of God. Living without the presence of God is  a dead end. My emptiness was never filled. God loves us no matter what. We can choose to love Him or don't. My advice to you is to ask God to reveal Himself more to you. Here is a little song to get you by.

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